The Hoarde Vintage -

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Item Details

A lovely piece of early, English automobilia - this 'Cleveland Guaranteed' enamel sign can be dated to the 1920s / early '30s and the developing use of the automobile. Cleveland Petroleum Products Co was formed in 1920 and was registered for the storage and distribution of petroleum fuels. In 1938 the Anglo-American Oil Co. acquired a major interest in Cleveland Products and by 1951 they were incorporated into Esso Petroleum Co.

This particular sign dates between the company's formation in 1920 and 1934 when Distillers Co granted permission to use their trademark 'Discol' on Cleveland's advertising. After this Cleveland's enamel advertising adopted a new logo, a blue background and the 'Discol' trademark. This sign is beautifully simple in it's design - bright white, stylised lettering contrasts against a glossy black background and you can imagine it would have sat well behind the glossy coachwork and sweeping lines of the early cars that would've been filling up with Cleveland's products.

Despite it's age this piece remains in reasonable condition; the whites are still bright the whole piece has a very good gloss.
There's some enamel losses across the whole of the piece, though it retains it's impact and legibility. The sign sits good and straight and can be hung using it's original mounting holes.

The sign is 1.22m wide x 76cm high.

  • Period: 1920s
    • Price: £420.00
    • €501 Euro
    • $541 US Dollar
  • Location: London
    • Dimensions: H: 76cm (29.92in)
    • W: 122cm (48.03in)
    • D: 0.2cm (0.08in)