The Hoarde Vintage -

Sellers's Details


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Item Details

Set of four Swedish birds of prey lithographs by Finnish artists and ornithologists Magnus von Wright and Wilhelm von Wright.

Published by A.Bortzells of Stockholm and presented in recent bespoke wooden frames behind glass these are highly accurate and wonderfully coloured pieces which would make a wonderful addtion to any wall they adorn.

Falco Aesalon - Merlin Falcon

Falco (Cerchneis) Tinnunculus - Common Kestrel (female)

Falco Tinnunculus - Common Kestrel (male)

Circus Macrourus - Pallid Harrier


Dimensions (each frame):

Height: 510mm

Width: 400mm

  • Period: 1929
    • Price: £595.00
    • €707 Euro
    • $787 US Dollar
  • Location: Warwickshire