Heron In Landscape - Oil Painting By Ronald H. Beer
Stock No
- £495.00
- €601 Euro
- $626 US Dollar
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Item Description
A striking postwar oil on board painting by Ronald H. Beer, entitled 'Up From the Reed Bed'. Featuring a heron in flight against a coastal landscape. The artist has stylised this large bird making it almost fill the sky, making the heron the focal point. The perspective in the composition has been created by a row of ancient castellated fortification turrets looking out to sea. A great composition and beautifully executed. Signed lower left 'R. H. Beer', and dated ''61'. Annotated to reverse of panel as well. Comes in original frame, which actually looks as if it was a Regency period frame that has been painted and reused.
Item Info
Seller Location
Cornwall, Cornwall
Item Dimensions
H: 57cm W: 72cm
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Location
Cornwall, Cornwall
Item Location
United Kingdom
Seller Contact No
+44 (0)1579 344647
+44 (0)7952 346678